Tag Archives: AO3

This, You Protect (Captain America Fanfic)

Author: owlet

AO3 ID: 1752638

Status: Complete (33 Chapters)

My rating: 5 of 5

In the middle of the mission, the Asset’s mission resets. No longer is he to kill Steve Rogers but to protect him. It would be a whole lot easier if the guy had any sense of self-preservation. Fortunately, the future has great things like white chocolate mochas and grilled cheese and some great mission assists to help Barnes out.

I love, love, love this fanfic. It starts right at the end of Captain America: The Winter Soldier and is canon divergent from that point, with Bucky sticking around and protecting Steve from the shadows. The plot itself is fantastic, but what takes this story from good to great are all the fabulous characterizations. The story’s told from Bucky’s perspective, but with something of a fractured sense of self–entirely understandable given the circumstances. It sounds dark and angsty, but his conversations (arguments) with himself are actually pretty funny. He’s written with a ton of personality and sass, and it just makes the story really fun to read. There’s also a great deal of detail and some amazing OC’s that absolutely make the story. It’s colorful and funny and touching and oh-so-sassy. Highly recommended.

Note: You can find this fanfic at https://archiveofourown.org/works/1752638/chapters/3745571.

There’s also an awesome podfic of this by AvidReaderLady, if you prefer to listen to your stories, which can be found at https://archiveofourown.org/works/11823066/chapters/26679579.

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The Time Merlin and Lancelot Almost Destroyed Camelot (as told by the Knights of the Rountable) (Merlin Fanfic)

Author: CaffeinatedFlumadiddle

AO3 ID: 21375892

Status: Complete (3 Chapters)

My rating: 3.5 of 5

It’s official: Merlin and Lancelot are never allowed to argue, not if this is what happens when they do. It’s only been a couple days and already the whole of Camelot is in an uproar. People are picking sides, there’s talk of a class war, women are going into labor, knights are being traumatized. . . . And no one even know what these two are fighting over to begin with!

If you’re looking for a good laugh, CaffeinatedFlumadiddle’s works are a great place to go. This particular fanfic is an excellent example of that fact. Basically, the entire plot is that Merlin and Lancelot get in a fight and no one knows how to handle that fact. That’s it. But the author shows the knights to be such amusing gossips, and their observations of the situation so wild, that the whole thing is ridiculously funny. Definitely recommended.

NOTE: If you’re interested, you can find this story at https://archiveofourown.org/works/21375892/chapters/50919595.

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These Unfinished Creatures (TAZ: Balance Fanfic)

Author: marywhale

AO3 ID: 12434553

Status: Complete (6 Chapters)

My rating: 5 of 5

Rated T; Mature Audience, because please, consider the source material, okay?

VICTORIAN GOTHIC AU. The Raven Queen has sent Kravitz to Neverwinter to track down who keeps stealing souls from the astral plane . . . undercover as a living human, which is crazy weird considering he hasn’t been alive in centuries. At first, even remembering to breathe is a chore, but he soon manages to blend in, taking a job as an assistant at Hecuba’s funeral parlor. It’s a good cover, even though he’s still not making much (any) progress in his investigation. When Hecuba’s ex and his friends hold a funeral for their friend, Taako, things get weird. No one’s mourning properly, the militia comes to confirm Taako’s really dead–something about being wanted for poisoning a bunch of people? And this Justin person who shows up and deals with the militia for the family is really distracting. Not to mention, this group of friends seem to be investigating something on their own that closely ties in to Kravitz’ own investigations. . . . Might be an opportunity to crack the case and get to know this Justin person better at the same time.

First off, I have to say that I adore marywhale’s The Adventure Zone fanfic just in general. The writing is great, the ideas are creative, and the characterizations are excellent and in character–appealing but not shying away from the characters’ faults. These Unfinished Creatures  is one of my favorites. I love the whole Victorian Gothic atmosphere, for one; it works surprisingly well with these characters and especially in a story focusing on Krav and the Raven Queen so much. I enjoyed how their relationship is portrayed as well, including how different Krav’s perspective on it is from that of Taako when he sees them together. The relationship/romance between Krav and Taako (because, of course, “Justin” is Taako and the funeral was fake, naturally) is sweet–and just as bumpy and messy as these two goofs can possibly make it. The mystery is well plotted and interesting, although the culprit is kind of obvious if you think about it; however, said culprit makes a good villain (I already hate him in canon), so it works. The other supporting characters are also excellently done, particularly Lup and Barry (yay!), and it’s really fun to look in on this group from what’s essentially an outsider’s POV. Plus, I just love the development that goes into Krav’s character here; he’s such an adorable nerd and I love marywhale’s interpretation of his character. Seriously, just read this fanfic, then go read all her other stories. They’re fabulous.

Note: You can find These Unfinished Creatures at https://archiveofourown.org/works/12434553/chapters/28300203.

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In Spite of Everything, the Stars (Merlin Fanfic)

Author: Polomonkey

Illustrator: mushroomtale

AO3 ID: 4647243

Status: Complete (10 Chapters)

My rating: 4.5 of 5

Warning: Mature Audience for slash and basically all the things, consider yourself warned (but it’s such a good story!)

Two boys have grown up in an alternate United Kingdom, one in which magic is real but where magic users are viewed with distrust and are treated as second-class citizens. Merlin Emrys is a powerful magic user, one who has hidden the extent of his power for years and who has in recent years as an adult become a leader of the political movement in favor of greater rights for Magicals. Arthur Pendragon has spent his entire life under his father’s oppressive thumb, being fed a Magic-hating propaganda he’s only ever half believed. Now, with an important vote to give Magicals greater freedoms on the horizon, Arthur has been tasked to kidnap Merlin in the hopes of stalling the vote. Only, he never counted on Merlin being so . . . Merlin.

In Spite of Everything, the Stars is one of those stories that hits hard and sticks with you long after you’ve read it. The prose is beautiful and moving, and mushroomtale’s art is just gorgeous.  We’re given a story that, on the surface, is a moving story about magic and about these two young men in an impossible situation who manage to roll with in and eventually find love and purpose and hope in spite of it all. But underneath all that, we’ve also got this powerful metaphor for minority rights and social justice that goes way beyond this imagined AU society and reaches to present-day issues in our own world. Having said that, I’m not typically a Merthur shipper (I’m actually pretty hard-core Arwen and Freylin, actually), but in this context, with the other issues being presented, it feels an appropriate ship. Also, fair warning that this story involves some pretty messed up stuff–kidnapping’s just the tip of the iceberg here–but it’s the endurance and courage of these two characters through all of this that makes the story so beautiful. So yeah, definitely recommended, if only for mature readers.

Note: You can find In Spite of Everything, the Stars at https://archiveofourown.org/works/4647243/chapters/10599906.

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Fenestration and the Art of Self Defense (Avengers Fanfic)

Author: Airawyn

AO3 ID: 1617737

Status: Complete (4 Chapters)

My rating: 4 of 5

In which Darcy cat-sits for Captain America, tasers don’t work on Bucky Barnes, Nat threatens everyone with Dog Cops spoilers, Darcy’s leftover pizza keeps disappearing, and nobody uses the front door.

This story is so utterly dorky, and I love it so much. It’s a little piece of a kinder, softer Marvel-verse, one in which Bucky actually sticks around after The Winter Soldier instead of all the other craziness going down–kind of reminds me of Owlet’s Infinite Coffee-verse, although this has its own distinct flavor as well. Of course, Fenestration and the Art of Self Defense is seen through Darcy Lewis’ eyes, which, well . . . let’s just say she has a unique perspective on life. It makes for a refreshing and funny story, though. Most of the story is just her and Bucky interacting–first impressions, that sort of thing. Naturally, she shoots him with a taser right off the bat. Also naturally, he has tons of knives and the taser does nothing to him. Comedy gold all around. The entire story’s like that for the most part–amusing conversations, clashes of opinion, weird random stuff happening. . . . All very funny. It’s sad to me that Darcy and Bucky never really interact (or even meet as far as I can remember) in MCU canon; their personalities have the potential to be an unexpected but amusing mix, and I think this story does a great job of highlighting that without being shippy or anything like that. Definitely recommended.

Note: If you’re interested in trying Fenestration and the Art of Self Defense, you can find it at https://archiveofourown.org/works/1617737/chapters/3447221.

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The Purity of Sin (Voltron Fanfic)

Author: IcyPanther

AO3 ID: 12592096

Status: Complete (22 Chapters)

My rating: 4.5 of 5

Rated T for violence/whump

Princess Allura has entrusted Lance with his very first diplomatic mission, to the cat-like people of Macka–a peaceful planet that has historically been allied with the Alteans. Lance is determined not to mess this up, although it should honestly be pretty easy, enough so that the team is only sending him and Keith to handle the meeting while the rest of them attend to another mission. Only, it seems the Mackans have changed a bit in the thousands of years since Altea last communicated with them, and now Lance and Keith find themselves dedicated as sacrifices to the Mackan goddess Lady Leora. And even when Keith manages to break them out, they must handle the harshness of the desert, Lance’s (magical) loss of his voice, his (equally magical) non-healing wound that’s bleeding all over, and a fierce group of Mackans fueled by religious fervor at their heels. But at least Keith and Lance are in all this together.

The Purity of Sin was the first of Icy’s works that I read, and it was brilliant then. It’s still brilliant upon re-reading. This story is definitely whumpish–there’s lost of violence and bloodshed, and Lance in particular just gets some really rough breaks. But there’s a ton of character development as well. The transition of Keith and Lance from awkward rivals-turned-allies to brothers is beautiful and touching, and the author does a great job of showing this in a myriad of little moments–new understandings, cuddles, sharing in hardships together. Also, I liked that the author didn’t make the Mackans some stereotypical “bad guys” but instead gave us a people with good intentions but misguided, fearful beliefs that lead them to terrible choices. The whole story is balanced well, and the writing is enjoyable to read–as long as you’re up for some pretty angsty moments. Recommended.

Note: You can find The Purity of Sin at https://archiveofourown.org/works/12592096/chapters/28681112.

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Egg(ing ’em on) (Young Justice Fanfic)

Author: CaptainOzone

AO3 ID: 10986921

Status: Complete (oneshot)

My rating: 4.5 of 5

Artemis is dying for a distraction from the essay she’s been fighting. But when Robin comes in wearing a dark mood that (scarily) morphs into one too bright, she’s instantly suspicious. More so when he brings up the bright idea of sneaking through the security of Wayne Manor to–wait for it–egg the place! Seriously, what is he thinking? There’s no way the team will agree . . . only, somehow Artemis finds herself doing just that. This is going to end badly.

CaptainOzone is a fabulous author, and Egg(ing ’em on) is a delightful, well-written story. The characters are in character, and we get some solid character development, particularly on the parts of Artemis and Dick. I absolutely adore their interactions. You get to see some of the darkness and hurt that lies underneath the surface of there characters. But you also get some great insight into the friendships that keep them going and the laughter and fun they have together. Secret identities will be revealed, and there are some great Batfam moments as well. Definitely recommended.

Note: You can find this fic at https://archiveofourown.org/works/10986921.

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Cause for Concern (Fullmetal Alchemist Fanfic)

Author: metisket

AO3 ID: 584736

Status: Complete (1 chapter)

My rating: 5 of 5

Second Lieutenant Jean Havoc has heard all the unbelievable stories about the notorious Elric brothers. As a matter of fact, he’s sought out those stories–they’re quite entertaining. But nothing could possibly have prepared him for the reality of being stuck alone in a car with them.

Cause for Concern is a delightful FMA one-shot fanfic giving us Havoc’s initial impressions on Edward and Alphonse. Because let’s face it, the shock of them gets kind of dulled over time, but meeting them at first has got to be jarring. They really are like some force of nature . . . some really childish force of nature, sometimes. In any case, it’s neat the almost outsider POV that you get, looking in on their lives, but also the way the author has the brothers poking into Havoc’s life and fleshing out his character as well. And the sibling interactions here are fabulous. Also, there are very amusing grumblings about Mustang, made adorable by the brothers’ admission of how they actually appreciate him. And most of all, the entire story is just very, very funny. Highly recommended for FMA fans.

If you’re interested, you can find Cause for Concern at https://archiveofourown.org/works/584736.

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Lost Boys Don’t Cry (Teen Wolf Fanfic)

Author: CranApplePye

FanFiction ID: 11333656/AO3 ID: 4182462

Status: Complete (19 Chapters)

My rating: 5 of 5

Warning: Rated Mature – some language, but mostly ancient Mayan death maze with some strong horror elements; also, spoiler warning – this takes place after season 4 & contains spoilers up to that point.

Following a lead on a missing persons case somehow ends with a flash of green light, an explosion, and Scott and Stiles stuck in some mystical ancient Mayan labyrinth–and the rest of the pack left wondering if they’re even alive. Now these two best friends must overcome both the kidnappers/treasure hunters who want to use them and the maze that challenges them with puzzles and other obstacles at every turn to try to get home alive. But things just keep getting worse, more horrific, as they go, and the guilt of their pasts makes both of them individually doubt whether they should even try to stay alive. But then, could they bear to leave their best friend alone in a situation like this?

Lost Boys Don’t Cry was an excellent story, one I very much enjoyed reading. It’s listed under both the horror and hurt/comfort genres, so that should give an idea of the general flavor. But it manages to surpass what I generally expect of either story, giving a tale that is both gripping and endearing. The whole Mayan labyrinth setup, the puzzles and challenges it involves, the connections between it and the Nemeton, all of that is well thought out and actually adds a lot to the story. The elements of the unknown, of darkness, and of some mystical, ancient force at work all add a lot to the atmosphere as well. There’s a great sense of history to the setting, which is helped by the fact that the author clearly did some solid research. The juxtaposition of our delightful *sarcasm* treasure hunters against this setting is absolutely jarring in the best way possible. There’s such a tension developed as the reader just knows these people are messing things up horribly in their ignorance, not to mention that they’re just horrible people who are willing to repeatedly commit human sacrifice in order to get what they want. Yeah, so, human sacrifice . . . that’s a thing in this story, one of the reasons it’s rated M, so be aware of that going in. And if all this great writing discussed above weren’t enough, we’ve got the part we probably mainly come to this fanfic for–Scott and Stiles. The author does a fabulous job capturing their characters–everything from mannerisms to the way they process things to the awesome relationship these two have. I love that it’s written in such a way that it could be interpreted as pre-slash or as epic bromance; it’s awesome either way. I also really loved that the author developed their angst over all the crazy stuff that’s happened to them since the whole Nemeton thing . . . and allows them to actually work through some of that mentally and emotionally. So yes, Lost Boys Don’t Cry is a very dark, horrifying story, but it’s also brilliant and hopeful–one I would highly recommend to anyone who likes the series.

Note: You can find this fanfic on FFNet at https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11333656/1/Lost-Boys-Don-t-Cry or on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/4182462/chapters/9445071.

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The Visiting Prince (Merlin Fanfic)

Author: Emachinescat

FanFiction ID: 6965383/AO3 ID: 1263553

Status: Complete (17 chapters)

My rating: 3.5 of 5

Rated T, mostly for whump/violence

Prince Arthur remembers Prince Edmund of Stafford as a narcissistic, violent prat from their time spent together as children . . . but then, he was the same back then, right? It’s been years since they’ve seen each other, and surely Edmund has grown up and changed, just like Arthur has. As their kingdoms come together to sign a new peace treaty, Arthur finds this assumption challenged strongly when Merlin comes to Prince Edmund’s unwelcome attention. Because of course, Merlin can’t keep his mouth shut, and Prince Edmund was never one to let a challenge to his authority go easily. Or at all.

Emachinescat is, without a doubt, one of my all-time favorite authors–whether it’s fanfic or original fiction–and Merlin fanfic is one of the areas where her writing most shines. She’s got this great balance of bromance and whump that’s just a treat to read, and the characters and their relationships are just spot-on. That’s definitely the case in The Visiting Prince, although it’s actually not one of my favorite Merlin fanfics. In this story, we are presented with an OC baddie that we can truly love to hate; he’s really quite awful. As such, a lot of the story is focused on suspense and whump, with Merlin, Arthur, and the rest being backed into some pretty tight corners and not being able to do much about it. Because the threat is political and social rather than magical, we don’t get to see the BAMFery that shines in other Merlin stories. Also, due to the tight situations our heroes are stuck in, there is a limit to the bromance we get–mostly only the first couple chapters and then right at the end of the story. But what bromance we’re given is exactly in character and a lot of fun to read. So yes, The Visiting Prince isn’t my favorite of Emachinescat’s stories, but it’s a solid, well-written story that is definitely an enjoyable read.

NOTE: You can find The Visiting Prince on FFNet at https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6965383/1/The-Visiting-Prince or on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/1263553/chapters/2607037.

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